Wildlife in an Arizona Canyon: Video Montage

This video is a composite of captures from a trail camera that was stationed for eight months in a canyon in southeastern Arizona. In it you will see coati, ringtail, hog-nosed skunk, hooded skunk, black bear (including 2 different sets of cubs), mountain lion, Coues white-tailed deer, gray fox, golden eagle, goshawk, Montezuma quail, band-tailed pigeon, Gould’s wild turkey, and Stellar’s jay. The photo above is a screen shot from one of the video clips.
There was a tremendous amount of activity in this spot so I did not include all the clips. In particular there were many more clips of coati and skunk, a few more bear clips, and there were a great many captures of squirrels and small birds that were not included.
What made this spot so special? The camera is in a stream bed which is often mostly dry, but water usually persists in a small bowl to the left of the camera. The large hollow log in the background draws some animals. The canyon is also quite narrow at this point, funneling travel near the camera. Finally, the entire area is excellent habitat with a great diversity of plant life providing, among other delicacies, acorns, pinyon nuts, juniper berries, manzanita berries, and madrone berries.
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Very nice compilation — quite the variety of species.
Thanks, Woody!