HomeBlogWeasel familyRiver Otter Winter Adaptations


River Otter Winter Adaptations — 13 Comments

  1. Really enjoyed this and learning more about otters. Encouraged me to think more about winter adaptations of other creatures. Thanks!

  2. Janet!

    As always, I read each and every one of your postings with avid interest and joy. Thank you for these wonderfully informative and entertaining efforts. Cannot wait to join you on the 1st! (Have you read Bob Arnebeck’s online post entitled: “Otters Breaching Beaver Dams?” He cites Reid, Herrero, and Code, too, plus adds his own interesting observations.

    • Hi Lori! Yes, I read his post a while back, but should reread it, because I forget what his own observations were. I too am looking forward to the 1st. This post was kind of my practice for that outing – for thinking about each species’ winter adaptations.

  3. Jan 25, 2025. My husband and I are on the Gull River west of Brainerd/Baxter MN near to where it flows into the Crow Wing River. We have always thought that we had muskrats in the banks of the river. However, this morning we saw a sleek brown mammal running and sliding along the snowy river. A couple of paces, then sliding, and repeat. Body seemed too sleek for a muskrat, and tail seemed thicker. Sure enough, we found a video of an otter sliding along a snowy surface. It appears that we have had otters all along, not muskrats. Unable to capture photo sor videos.

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