HomeBlogBuilding a DSLR Camera Trap: Part 1 – Design Elements


Building a DSLR Camera Trap: Part 1 – Design Elements — 11 Comments

    • Building DSLR camera traps definitely favors the electro-mechanically inclined! Still, the results can be gratifying for all. Just as gratifying are the continual improvements in commercial camera traps. Thanks for reading, commenting.

    • Yeah — I struggled a little here with terminology. In earlier versions of the post, I used a generic term, like “high end camera” (or maybe “large sensor camera”), vs. the more specific (and now technically dated) “DSLR”. Through the review process here are WBWL, we decided, though, that “DSLR” is a better known term, and therefore likely to attract more search traffic 🙂 Over time, the more modern “mirrorless” cameras are the way to go, for sure. When I chose the components for the pair of cameras we use (now a couple years back) the mirrorless cameras were all new, and quite expensive vs. the used 60D. I notice now that there are some very good used mirrorless cams out there in the same price range (a couple to few $ hundred) as the used DSLRs. Before using a particular camera (DSLR or mirrorless), you need to check for the availability of a low power standby mode, and an easily accessible remote shutter release interface. Thanks for commenting. Hope all well.

  1. Pingback:Camera Trapping Bats with an Acoustic Trigger - Winterberry Wildlife

  2. Hi, great article! I was wondering whether the wireless triggers for the flashes wake up the flashes before the first photo is taken. If you could clarify that it would be very helpful.

    Thanks in advance!

    • Great question! The short answer is: I couldn’t figure out how to make this work at the time, though it should be possible. For now, I rely on the first photo “waking up” the flashes.

      The longer answer goes like this: The wireless flash controllers I used (Pixel Soldier) are setup so that depressing the “focus” button on the camera (or activating the “focus” signal on the remote shutter release) “wakes up” the wireless channel, and pulls the flash out of sleep state. So adding a sufficient delay between the focus signal and the shutter release signal should wake up the remote flash to allow a flash on the first photo taken. Unfortunately, while I was experimenting with this in the lab, I found that the wireless receiver wouldn’t let the flash go back to sleep after a photo was taken. I spent some time on the web with various reverse engineering sites documenting both the camera (Canon) hot shoe interface, and the SB28 (Nikon) hot shoe interface, but was never able to figure out how to both allow the flash to go back to sleep; and to wake it up for a photo with the Pixel Soldier. Eager to get the camera in the field at the time, I gave up, and simply accepted a “sacrificial” first photo to wake the flash up. This works well enough, so I haven’t gotten back to the problem.

      You may have more success — I think it should work. I would start with a logic analyzer (something I didn’t have at the time, but there are several inexpensive USB variants on the market) on the hot-shoe interface to better understand what’s going on as photos are taken.

      Hope this helps.

    • I’m glad these are useful. I just added an “appendix” to this post with more details on the SB28 flash enclosures. As I note, I’m not completely happy with these, but they work well enough that neither have I been motivated to come up with something better. Let me know what you think.

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