New Optional Features for Browning HP5 Trail Cameras
In a recent post, I introduced firmware with new features for Browning HP5 model trail cameras. This new version adds several more features — each selectable by additions to the camera’s setup menu. These features include date and time format options, support to allow camera to be used to trigger a DSLR camera, and more.
Note: 2023-07-03: I have updated firmware environment to support more Recon Force and Sec Ops model cameras and created a new GitHub site. See New Features for Browning Recon Force and SpecOps Cameras.
Custom firmware images with these features can be found on my GitHub Site. Note that installing this firmware may void the manufacturer warranty. The GitHub site also includes factory firmware images, and instructions for re-installing factory firmware if the camera requires warranty service.

Menu Selectable Features
In the first release of firmware extensions for the HP5, I focused on features which were of general use. In this release, I add several features which may not be for everyone. I did this after reverse engineering the menu system in these cameras. All features listed below are available (or not) via new options in the “Camera Setup” menu.
Date and Time Format:
With this new firmware release, new Time and Date Format menus are available for data on the info strip. This includes 12 or 24 hour time format; and MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY or YYYYMMDD for dates.

DSLR Trigger via Aim LED
In Using Trail Camera to Trigger a DSLR Camera I describe using an earlier Browning Trail cameras model — the Recon Force Advantage — to trigger a DSLR camera trap. I use an optical sensor and some firmware that turns on the Aim LED during photos and videos. This feature is now available on Browning HP5 trail cameras. Setting the “DSLR Trigger” menu to “Yes”, will turn on the “Aim” LED during photo or video captures.
Extended SD Card Power
This feature addresses requirements of researchers working to integrate Edge-based AI processing into trail cameras. The prototypes for these systems rely on transferring images via the SD card interface to an external AI processor. After each photo or video, the external device downloads the image through a cable attached to an SD-card adapter. There’s only one hitch. The SD card adapter needs power for about 30 seconds after the photo or video. During this time, the camera must not take any new photos or videos.
Note this feature may also be useful in conjection with so called “WiFi SD cards” — allowing these cards to remain powered on while data is downloaded after each new photo or video.
Setting the “Extended SD Card Power” to “Yes” will maintain power to the SD card for 30 seconds after each video, single photo, or burst sequence of photos. During this time, the camera leaves the SD card idle, allowing it to be accessed by an external processor.
If you are not using your camera in this way, definitely do not enable “Extended SD Card Power”, as it will decrease battery life (it takes power to keep the SD card powered-up), and insert a 30-second mandatory gap between photos and videos.
Multi Language Support
Browning introduced support for menu items in multiple languages in he HP5 series cameras. With the help of Google Translate, I was able to extend this support to the new menus I’ve added. Multi-lingual users, please comment below noting any translation blunders, or better phrasing.
Firmware Availability
The firmware described in this post is available on my Github site, which includes instructions for installation.
Please note that this firmware is not supported nor sanctioned by Browning, or Browning Licensee Prometheus Group. Installing this firmware on your camera may void the manufacturer warranty.
The firmware is available “as is”, with no guarantee. However, I will do my best to fix any bugs reported in comments below or via the Github site.
First of all, I want to congratulate you for the effort and time dedicated to making a firmware with more options and making it available to all of us.
About the firmware.
Changes I liked and will use.
Record the night longer.
Change in data format, here in Brazil, the default is DD/MM/YYYY.
File names, change very welcome.
Now talking about what, in my view, would not change in the original firmware.
Seconds in the recording, I think it’s unnecessary.
I understand that with the reduction of the logo, there is more visible area to record, but it loses the visual identity of Browning. It makes me uncomfortable.
Remember, I have no words to thank you for this incredible firmware.
If you want, I can help with the translation into Brazilian Portuguese.
Kind regards.
Thanks for the feedback! This is great. Now that I know how to add menu items, I can consider making some of your “least favorite” features optional, at least. But, I think I’ll leave this feature set stable for a while, and hopefully get more feedback. I’m working on a port of these same features to the Edge. On the HP5s, I’m up against a couple of size limitations that I’m going to have to do some thinking about, in any case.
I notice that Brazilian Portuguese is not even in the current option list 🙁 If I get to that, I’ll know who to ask — thanks!
Adding my thanks to Erik’s for the new features and the slick way of selecting them from the menu. Like Erik, I have no particular use for the seconds counter but it certainly isn’t a problem. I remain delighted with 30-second videos, the 24-hour clock and the DD/MM/YYYY date format. Thanks, Bob, making a technically good camera much more user-friendly.
Excellent! BTW — make sure to download the version from my Github site after 9:00 pm ET on 12/21/2022. I fixed a typo in the code which caused the “Smart IR Video” menu selection to incorrectly call itself “IR Flash Power”
Great work Bob,
Can you let me know if the solution to go back to the factory firmware is ready, because of possible warranty on the hardware.
Hi Bob, this is relay exciting work. We use Browning cameras for a lot of our work. The two main features they are missing are
1) Hybrid mode where the camera first takes a series of pictures followed by a video for each trigger event (Bushnell has had that for years). Ideally selectable by menu (images, video, hybrid)
2) Time-laps during 24 hours. Current time laps in the Browning cameras only works during the day.
Any chance those features could be added. Highest priority for use would be 1). We probably have close to 200 of these cameras, so this would be huge.
Any intentions to release the development tools so others could contribute to this project. Thank!
Glad you found us!
I’m interested in hearing more about what you have in mind. I will contact you directly via email shortly.
Thank you for your excellent firmware!
One question: I have to send my camera to Browning assistance for a issue on detection, could you tell me how to reinstall the baseline?
Look for the image on Github called “baseline” and install that. (I am really hoping this works — there was a brief window where I had posted a buggy version of the firmware which prevents subsequent firmware loads. I have since fixed this bug, but if you find that you cannot do a “firmware upgrade” with your current image, please let me know.
Hi Bob! I just received a couple of new 7E-HP5s that I ordered, and I’m having no luck installing the firmware. I downloaded brnbtc72.BRN from Baseline from the Github ( and followed the instructions for loading onto the SD card, etc. It shows UPGRADING like it should, but when it automatically restarts, no new screen splash or features. It worked fine on two HP5s I upgraded back in Nov ’22, but I’m not having luck with these new ones. Maybe I misunderstood the instructions/used the wrong file?
I just confused you with my naming “convention”: “Baseline” is the (Factory)Baseline firmware image, useful if you want to put the camera back in its factory state. For new features, use the image in the “BA” (“Bundle A”). I’m in the process of expanding the number of Browning camera models supported, and when I do, I’ll improve my naming 🙂
OK, just to confirm…this is what I need to download for my 7E-HP5?
PS: That’s GREAT about having these upgrades for other Browning cam models…looking forward to that 🙂
Yeap. Glad to hear that these are working for you. What are you favorite feature adds?
For me, the 20-second night-time bypass is huge. Browning should let the user set that, and I’ve ended up with a few less-than-ideal night video sequences because of that limit. Second that custom info strip. And I do like seeing that little fox splash up every time 😉 But darn you for including that DSLR Trigger via Aim LED function. I’ve been trying to avoid going down the DSLR wildlife cam rabbit hole, but now you’ve got me thinking about that again! 😉
Thanks for the feedback! And apologies for making DSLR hookup easier 🙂 If you need an excuse to wait, my next major programming project is to see if I can make a smart phone act like a trail camera, to try to leverage the superior photo/video quality of these tech-filled devices. I don’t yet have a schedule for this effort, unfortunately (or fortunately, if you are looking for a reason to delay). DSLR photography is more like a “bottomless hole” vs. “rabbit hole” for us. But ahh, those occasional really good images 🙂
Pingback:New Features for Browning Recon Force and SpecOps Cameras - Winterberry Wildlife
Useful modifications, thank Bob.
If I change the time format on the info strip, does that also change the format in which the time is entered in the camera setup menu ? The am/pm thing is my major source of errors by field assistants
It doesn’t, but it should! Shouldn’t be too difficult. I’ll reply again to this message when this feature is in. Thanks for the suggestion!
Hi Bob,
I wanted to download the new firmware image for the BTC 7E-HP5, but there is nothing on the download page:
Any idea when you will repost the firmware images?
Thanks for catching this inconsistency in the state of firmware pointers and documentation. As of 7/12/2023, I released a new repository with images for the Edge and Elite-HP4 Cameras, as well as the Elite-HP5. See Unified BTC Reverse Repository. I am in the process of updating old links to point to the new images, but am not quite there yet.
Hi Bob,
As to other features in a future build, it would be great to add the © copyright symbol and space to add ones name. It could be added to the Camera Name menu of say a BTC 7E HP5 or BTC 7A and each film frame would have some © protection. Yes it could be cropped off but at least you could claim legal ownership with the original file.
That’s a cool idea. I’m not sure the camera’s font map includes the Copyright symbol. Adding it would mean reversing the font storage format. Possible, but a lot of time. I will keep this idea in mind for another project, though. In general, it would be good to have the option of a digital watermark in the images/videos. It’s been a while since I’ve looked at this tech. Starting out with a simple (visible) overlay would be a good start.
Hi Bob,
I’ve been trying to update my HP5, which had the beta software in it,to the final brnbtc72.BRN
The camera accepts the newest version, but it does not upgrade the ir Flash power. There is no “off” selection. I downloaded the image for my 7E and it installed perfectly.Can you check it?
Hi, Tom. Glad this is at least working for your Edge RF. Let’s see if we can get your Elite HP5 on board! I just double checked the latest firmware on both cameras, and it all works, including the “OFF” option for “IR FLASH POWER”. In doing so, I ran into a few things that might be confusing. I include all of them for completeness.
1. Make sure you are getting the firmware image from the right GitHub Repository. This is at This repository contains current version of firmware for Recon Force/Spec Ops variants of the Edge, Elite-HP5, and Elite-HP5. Earlier repositories dedicated to the Edge and HP5 are obsolete. I have since made this clear in these obsolete repository README files.
2. Make sure to download the firmware in the “Current WBWL” column. In testing this just now, I accidentally loaded firmware from the “Factory Baseline” column and then loaded the factory firmware. After installing the WBWL firmware, you should see a custom “splash screen” (a red fox in the snow for the HP5’s)
3. After loading the firmware, make sure that (for the RF-HP5) the firmware version (found in the “Upgrade Firmware” menu) is “WWL7EH5_231114P”
4. And, finally (and I suspect this may be your issue): the updated firmware for the HP5 “IR FLASH POWER” now 4 Flash settings. Only 3 (the original factory options, “ECONOMY”, “LONG RANGE”, and “BLUR REDUCTION”) fit on one menu screen. Scroll down with the “down” button” to see the “OFF” option.
Hope one of these works! If not, let me know, and we’ll figure out something to try next.
Just to let you know, I put the Browning firmware back in. Then upgraded to the latest Winterberry firmware for the HP5, but it also does not have the option to turn off the flash…
Number 4 worked like a charm. Did not scroll down enough as you suspected!
Phew. Per comment below from Hal, you might want to check to see that your 7E camera takes video in daytime in color before committing it to the field. In tests I did with the 7E, it worked fine, but there could be some settings combos which don’t work.
Hello Bob,
I was very pleased with the test of eliminating the eye shine. It worked very well thanks to you and your firmware updates. Now this works great IF you have an extra camera to provide the IR light. Are you aware of any IR lights that have a PIR sensor that is similar to the Browning sensor in the way it triggers. I hope to find a small light that I can deploy with an HP5 camera without tying up another Browning camera. Any leads would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
I’m glad you were able to make use of this feature! As far as PIR-triggered slave IR flashes, I am not aware of any. One of our followers has fitted a wireless transmitter into the camera, connected to the flash, and going to receiver in a home-brew IR light. Alternatively, one could put build a wired slave IR led off of the DSLR trigger mechanism I put in. But I think lowest cost/easiest “off-the-shelf” solution would be to use a lower end low glow/no glow (to match your HP5) camera as the flash.
Thanks Bob. That’s what I’m searching high and low for, a lower end IR light triggered by a PIR sensor, something that is separate from the HP5. I’ll keep looking.
Sorry — not sure I was clear. Why not just use a lower end trail camera as the flash?
Hi Bob,
I wanted to load the firmware update for a fresh out of the box HP5 Recon Force and am on the update firmware page with “Yes, No and BTC7EH5_L10200F” options showing.
I’m unable to scroll off of “No” to select “Yes”. The cameras buttons worked to get me to this page.
Any thoughts on what might be the glitch?
This happens when the firmware can’t find a valid image firmware image on the SD card. Here are some things to check:
0. Make sure you have the right firmware image. For the Recong Force Elite HP5 (BTC-7E-H5), you should be getting the firmware image here:
1. Make sure that the SD card has the correct firmware file loaded on it. To make it easier, uses a clean SD card, with only the firmware image on it. The firmware file needs to be named “brnbtc72.BRN” — exactly. Sometimes, when downloading files from the web into your “download” folder, browsers will add some characters to make the name unique. E.g. “brncbtc72(0).BRN” or some such. If there are extra characters in the firmware filename, just rename the file so that it reads “brnbtc72.BRN”
Hopefully one of these will fix your problem. If not, let me know!
Hi Bob,
You were correct in suspecting the error. Since this was the second time I had downloaded the firmware onto my computer, a number was a number added to the title of the firmware, making it unreadable by the camera. Therefore the option of “yes” couldn’t light up on the camera firmware page.
I have now successfully downloaded the software now.
Thank you for your help!
Excellent — I’m glad it was a simple problem 🙂