HomeBlogTimelapse Feature Enhancements for Browning Trail Cameras


Timelapse Feature Enhancements for Browning Trail Cameras — 8 Comments

  1. Loving the deep dive series – I don’t have a personal need for time lapse – but your breakdown of how it works “vanilla” and explanation of your modification makes a lot more sense than the Browning version. Having that info has me thinking about another camera for a different purpose.

    Shame you’re not on commission at Browning 🤣

    • I know, right?

      Depite reading the Browning users manual, I didn’t really understand all that was going on with the Timelapse function until I was fairly deep into the code. I figured others might be similarly confused.

      I’m working not the next installment of “Camera Hacking” now 🙂

  2. Hello Bob,

    I am a researcher in Ottawa, Canada. The timelapse enhancements that you’ve coded could be very useful for a project I’m working on. I have a few questions I’d like to ask, any chance you can reach out to my email?



  3. I got my Browning camera on Monday and thought I would set it up to document the snow storm due on Wednesday night. I was disappointed to see the standard settings would not allow time lapse overnight. Disappointed, I did some googling and found this site. Downloaded the firmware, installed it and it worked like a charm. Thanks so much!

  4. Dear Zak Bob,

    Your post about time-lapse camera trapping for Browning cameras has caught our attention at the Institute for Research in Game Resources (I.R.E.C, Spain). Adapting browning models to rapid time lapse 24 hours a day would be helpful for future research projects related to wildlife monitorng. We would like testing your software that modifies Browning cameras, but unfortunately, we don’t have the exact camera models for which you created this software. We were wondering if you could help us by creating similar software for one of the camera models used in Spain.

    The camera models we have are:
    Browning Dark Ops Pro X 1080 (BTC-6PX 1080)
    Browning Dark Ops HD Pro X (BTC-6HDPX)
    Browning Stike Force Pro X 1080 (BTC-5PX)

    Your invaluable help would be of great value to us.

    Thank you for your attention.

    Marcos Jiménez and Joaquín Vicente



    • I’m glad you found us, and I would certainly like to help you and your worthy organization. Unfortunately, (I believe due to business reasons), Browning uses completely different hardware and firmware platforms for its different product lines. This would mean starting almost from scratch with the cameras in your list. I estimate that it would be at least a year’s effort (possibly closer to 18 months) to reverse engineer the BTC-6 series and BTC-5 series to the point where I could start porting/developing firmware enhancements. With several other projects in the queue, I just don’t have time for this 🙁 On the other hand, if you found someone with some hardware/firmware background who might be interested in doing and/or learning this type of work, I’d be willing to consult and provide advice, and (of course) provide access to all the tools/code I’ve developed so far. Let me know.

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