HomeBlogCamera Trapping TechnologyDeep TechDeep Tech: Hacking Trail Camera Firmware 2 — Requirements


Deep Tech: Hacking Trail Camera Firmware 2 — Requirements — 6 Comments

  1. This whole blog is a fantastic resource for Browning Trailcams – having used a number of glue’n’go Chinese no name cameras I got used to the basic idea of being able to set a night time video duration of more than 20s. Immediately that posed me problems on the Browning. In you come galloping to the rescue with the smart setting *and* the ability to set a longer duration! Your firmware has gained Browning a second sale already within a week of that first.

    • Glad to hear, I guess 🙂 We run a lot of Browning trail cams, which we like for a number or reasons, mostly the image quality. Still, I wish they would fix some of these things themselves. I have a pretty good idea of why they don’t. To appear in the next post in the series, “Business Considerations”

  2. Ticks me off when clearly very capable hardware is sold with intentionally hobbled firmware. Also thanks for your pointer on rechargeable lithium AA cells. Didn’t know such things existed – they should pay back within 3 months versus alkalines – the truth time is when the temperature drops I guess (but then I was replacing the alkalines daily last winter)

    • I hear you, but firmware development/test/support costs money, and they have to stop somewhere. On rechargeable li-ion cells in winter: according to my lab tests they maintain charge almost as well as the EUL’s down to 0F (and are much better than alkaline at these temps). In principle. Hope they work out for you in practice.

  3. Let me know where you ended up! I bought browning’s to do timelapse over 24 hours (watching a stream gage day and night). The features I wanted were full resolution for TL mode (they only do 4 MP) and TL+ feature only runs TL during daylight hours. I needed 24 hours of TL. I emailed them with this request. Who knows. Thanks for your work!

    • I think the version of firmware currently on my GitHub site does what you want. Set the new “TIMELAPSE FORMAT” menu to “JPG”; and select “ALL DAY/NIGHT” from the (expanded) “TIMELAPSE PERIOD” menu. This will take photos according to the “PHOTO QUALITY” setting, all day, and all night. At night, it will use the flash. It will store the files as invidual JPG images in the usual place.

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